Learning Texas Hold’em Poker - Plan for Success

If you’re looking to make a quick buck online by playing card games, trust us - poker is not really for you. Especially with Texas hold’em poker which is a complex game that involves several strategies, types of game-play, opponent personalities, Texas hold’em hand rankings - and is influenced by so many aspects of the game like position, card hands, player styles, poker hand rules etc. that it is quite difficult to find ‘tricks’ that will simply make you win. More than anything, in poker, is a game that requires you to observe, strategize and plan your game-play carefully - and build skill along the way.

So if you’re up to go on a roller-coaster of learning this excellent game of Texas hold’em poker - here are some key ideas and some basic poker hand rules you must know, to get you started on the right note. Further, in Texas hold’em style of gameplay, you will also note that certain rules are different from other types and note how the poker hand rules vary, so you’re well-informed before you even begin playing.

So, what are the Texas Holdem hand rankings?

In a game of Texas Holdem, we follow these hand rankings -

Best hand ranking: Royal flush - which is a hand that has A, K, Q, J, 10, all belonging to the same suit

Followed by: Straight flush - which is a hand with five cards in a sequence, all in the same suit
Followed by: Four of a kind - All four cards of the same rank
Followed by: Full house - which is a hand with three cards of a kind along with a pair
Followed by: Flush - which is a hand with any five cards of the same suit, but not essentially in a sequence.
Followed by: Straight - which has five cards in a sequence, but not belonging to the same suit.
Followed by: Three of a kind- which has three cards of the same rank.
Followed by: Two pair - which has two sets of cards that form two pairs
Followed by: Pair - which has cards that have a single pair and three other different cards

These are the very fundamental basics you will need to keep in mind, before even getting started with a game of poker - online or offline. By knowing these basic poker hand rules, you are now ready to get to the next level and indulge in this fantastic game that will test your skill, confidence and patience at every level. We hope you have a good game! 


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