
Showing posts from November, 2019

Learn About Freeroll Poker

When you are a beginner at poker, you will have many questions - and definitely many doubts with regards to whether you will ever learn poker well enough, to make money off the game. It is a complex situation, because you still don’t really know the game, and don’t even know whether you’ll end up enjoying yourself or not - leave alone play a winning game. To ad, there is the complexity of different types of poker, unlike when you play rummy online. There are different types of poker, poker players, strategies, positions - and god, it gets so confusing! Most of us, who were only discovering poker games online end up in this situation and do not want to risk hard-earned money over an overly complex online game - that we don’t know how to play. In such a case, there is still a game of poker for you. These are called freeroll poker games. This type of poker, is a popular way that newbies and players, playing only for fun, enjoy the game - without contributing any fee towards playing...

How To Maximize Your Earnings In A Poker Game?

Poker games are all about strategy. Yes, you have a slight dependency on the fortune of your cards - but most seasoned players know that even a good set of cards, without a strong game-play will lead you nowhere. If you’re looking for poker championships India, you will come across a wide variety of players, with different backgrounds and expertise levels - and you will notice how the best of the players are able to turn around even a seemingly bad set of cards into winnings, by strategically playing. On the other hand, good players also know that a good game of poker is all about maximizing your winnings, or minimizing your losses in the case that you know for sure that the game is against you. If you’re playing poker real money india, here are some tips that can help you maximize your winnings - and are helpful no matter how the game is. Know when you’re having a good day : When you play poker for winning money, and in the long-run, you will notice that you are bound to have s...

Dealing With Poker Players Who Play A Random Game

The poker game is partly a game of luck, because you need to be dealt with a decent set of cards to even begin placing your bets right, or being in a favorable position to gain advantage over the other players. Online free poker however, for the larger part is a game of skill - involving strategic moves, understanding your opponent’s gameplay, reading their intentions and their actions to determine how they might play next, and estimating a meaningful game plan that will benefit you most. Reading the opponent plays a huge part in becoming a seasoned poker player. On your poker app, you might have to try different ways of achieving this. Their strategies become key to designing your counter-strategies and their moves essentially define how you place your moves and your bets. There is one type of player however, who - regardless of your expertise and know-how will not allow you to read their minds. That is the player who plays random bets. These types of online free poker playe...

The Importance Of Position In Poker

While Poker is mostly a sport based on skill, and a little on luck there is a single-most factor that influences your game-play that is not purely based on your skill level. That is your position. Your position in poker is defined around where you are placed in the poker table. The position is important to take note of, as it impacts the poker strategy, in line with poker hand rules - you might need to use in order to actually make some winnings. Positions come with advantages and disadvantages and keeping track of these is crucial to strategising your poker game, especially to earn a favourable Texas Hold’em hand ranking. Depending on how you are placed with reference to the dealer, your positions may be defined as an ‘early’ position, a ‘late’ position or an intermediate ‘middle’ position. Here’s some insight into each of these positions and their intrinsic advantages or disadvantages - so you can pep up your game skill with this knowledge. Early positions : As the name goe...